vineri, 8 februarie 2013

EdX     -    EdX is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is governed by MIT and Harvard.

Education Level  maximum
certificate of mastery

1.       Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life MIT
2.       Electricity and Magnetism - MIT
3.       The Ancient Greek Hero – Harvard
4.       Justice- Harvard
5.       Human Health and Global Environmental Change- Harvard
6.       Foundations of Computer- Berkeley
7.       Circuits and Electronics MIT
8.       Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics- Berkeley
9.       Artificial Intelligence – Berkeley
10.   Software as a Service- MIT
11.   The Challenges of Global Poverty – Berkeley
12.   Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation- Berkeley
13.   Introduction to Solid State Chemistry - MIT
14.   Introduction to Computer Science and Programming –MIT
15.   Copyright – Harvard
16.   Software as a Service,  I and II - Berkeley
17.   Foundations of Computer Graphics- Berkeley
18.   Introduction to Computer Science– Harvard
19.   Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health Research- Harvard
20.   Introduction to Computer Science and Programming- MIT
21.   Artificial Intelligence – Berkeley
22.   Software as a Service-– Berkeley
23.   Circuits and Electronics- MIT

About  edX

EdX is a not-for-profit enterprise of its founding partners Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that features learning designed specifically for interactive study via the web. Based on a long history of collaboration and their shared educational missions, the founders are creating a new online-learning experience with online courses that reflect their disciplinary breadth. Along with offering online courses, the institutions will use edX to research how students learn and how technology can transform learning–both on-campus and worldwide. Anant Agarwal, former Director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, serves as the first president of edX. EdX's goals combine the desire to reach out to students of all ages, means, and nations, and to deliver these teachings from a faculty who reflect the diversity of its audience. EdX is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is governed by MIT and Harvard.

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